SDG&E and SoCalGas 2009 Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding - Phase 2
Docket Number
111.93 KB
LRMC - NCO Rate Tables updated October 30, 2008
LRMC - NCO Rate Tables updated October 30, 2008
112.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson 7/2/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson 7/2/08
203.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of John A. Roy 7/2/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of John A. Roy 7/2/08
272 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of S. Nasim Ahmed 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of S. Nasim Ahmed 12/5/08
357 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of S. Nasim Ahmed redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of S. Nasim Ahmed redlined 12/5/08
295.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Rodger Schwecke 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Rodger Schwecke 12/5/08
417.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Rodger Schwecke redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Rodger Schwecke redlined 12/5/08
684 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study)12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study)12/5/08
695.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study) redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study) redlined 12/5/08
244 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich 10/06/08
238 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich redlined 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich redlined 10/06/08
371.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Emma Hernandez & Allison Smith 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Emma Hernandez & Allison Smith 10/06/08
383 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Allison F. Smith 12/11/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Allison F. Smith 12/11/08
417.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Allison F. Smith redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Allison F. Smith redlined 12/5/08
173 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett 10/06/08
141 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix A 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix A 10/06/08
140.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix B 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix B 10/06/08
140.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix C 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett - Appendix C 10/06/08
172.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett redlined 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Jason Bonnett redlined 10/06/08
186 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart 10/06/08
314 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart - Appendices 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart - Appendices 10/06/08
186 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart redlined 10/06/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Gary Lenart redlined 10/06/08
99 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Richard Morrow Phase II 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Richard Morrow Phase II 12/5/08
116 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Richard Morrow Phase II redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Richard Morrow Phase II redlined 12/5/08
87.5 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Steve Watson Phase II 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Steve Watson Phase II 12/5/08
148 KB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Steve Watson Phase II redlined 12/5/08
Prepared Direct Testimony of Steve Watson Phase II redlined 12/5/08
1.25 MB
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich Phase II
Prepared Direct Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich Phase II
216.84 KB
Rebuttal Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study)
Rebuttal Testimony of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost Study)
256.18 KB
Workpapers of Jason Bonnett (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
Workpapers of Jason Bonnett (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
255.61 KB
Workpapers of Jason Bonnett (LRMC -- October 6, 2008 update)
Workpapers of Jason Bonnett (LRMC -- October 6, 2008 update)
1.95 MB
Work papers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Demand Forecast) (1 of 2)
Work papers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Demand Forecast) (1 of 2)
731.59 KB
Work papers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Demand Forecast) (2 of 2)
Work papers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Demand Forecast) (2 of 2)
179.75 KB
Workpapers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
Workpapers of Herbert S. Emmrich (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
2.24 MB
Work papers of Emma Hernandez and Allison F. Smith (October 6, 2008 update)
Work papers of Emma Hernandez and Allison F. Smith (October 6, 2008 update)
473.63 KB
Work papers of Gary Lenart (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
Work papers of Gary Lenart (Embedded Cost -- October 6, 2008 update)
474.24 KB
Workpapers of Gary Lenart (LRMC -- October 6, 2008 update)
Workpapers of Gary Lenart (LRMC -- October 6, 2008 update)
83.67 KB
Workpapers of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich (October 6, 2008 update)
Workpapers of Mee Mee Hom and Herb Emmrich (October 6, 2008 update)
80.35 KB
Work papers of Rodger Schwecke (October 6, 2008 update)
Work papers of Rodger Schwecke (October 6, 2008 update)
255.55 KB
Work papers of Allison F. Smith (October 6, 2008 update)
Work papers of Allison F. Smith (October 6, 2008 update)